The Summoning was actually a good one and the funniest amongst that series of shorts. They should continue it.
The Summoning was actually a good one and the funniest amongst that series of shorts. They should continue it.
I'm reminded of that movie "Killer Sheep"
Awwww she's so cute... But you know Uranium 235 is not a good material to make a ring of XD
Must go faster.
Isn't D.Va Korean?
Yes but it's in reference to the Overwatch event skin for the Lunar New Year event
Decent anatomy, solid pose, proper cartoonish style, good work... Keep it up, this looks good, you could use solid white paper and try to scan pictures, that would greatly enhance your pictures' quality.
Vlw cara, porém que eu não tenho impressora para digitalizar a imagem nem uma câmera descente (sou pobre), e tiro fotos pela câmera do meu celular (que é antigo), mas eu tinha um programa que me ajudava muito, mas meu "hd" não espaço para instalar-lo, por enquanto estou postando essas imagens assim para que vocês tenham uma prévia do que eu irei re-posta com muito mais detalhes.
Dê uma olhada no Deviantart e curta outros desenhos meus, porque eu posto mais lá do que aqui no newgrounds.... :D
So cute :D
Thank you, man with dark tastes in women XD
No surprise there, the guy dresses red, only appears at night, breaks & enters into every house, lives in an area with a permanent-night period and hibernates in the permanent-day period... The guy's a vampire.
Phasma is probably the most underrated and underdeveloped and yet so much deserving character in Force Awakened. Literally, she beats Kylo don't take the damn mask of Ren in most aspects and we don't see that character presented enough.
Age 35, Other
Joined on 3/25/13