*Happy lim fan noises* also Happy Easter
*Happy lim fan noises* also Happy Easter
Really nice to know she has fans. :'>
Happy Easter to you too! <3
I'd like a late with breast milk, I mean breast mil... Sorry meant to say breast milk. *sigh* I'm so sorry I just need more Lim images in my life, if that could make it to the agenda it would bring some sunshine into my heart ^^ ... But I'm still ordering that latte with Breast milk!
Happy to make more Lim content.
You're not getting that late however...not for free anyways...<_<
Pretty anatomically accurate, intestines are actually held in place and connected via a bloodvein rich membrane.
It's called the mesentery 😄
Always thought they were some kind of Phyrexian nobility, but generally didn't like it Phyrexians to me are always those Giger-inspired borg mass of "hell no".
You can always find beauty in these things, but not gonna lie, if I found her in a dark and creepy place I'd shit myself
Looks like Memento Mori and Danse Macabre Imagery, where the rotting corpse would accompany a living person in a playful, almost comical manner, to sybolize that in every moment of your life, regardless of age and wealth, death is your constant companion.
Very interesting thought!
Ahhhh Hell to the f..ck no! I'm rolling out my incinerator, look at the size of this thi.... Wait.... It has boobs? Let's just try & reason with it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It just might work.
Isn't D.Va Korean?
Yes but it's in reference to the Overwatch event skin for the Lunar New Year event
Decent anatomy, solid pose, proper cartoonish style, good work... Keep it up, this looks good, you could use solid white paper and try to scan pictures, that would greatly enhance your pictures' quality.
Vlw cara, porém que eu não tenho impressora para digitalizar a imagem nem uma câmera descente (sou pobre), e tiro fotos pela câmera do meu celular (que é antigo), mas eu tinha um programa que me ajudava muito, mas meu "hd" não espaço para instalar-lo, por enquanto estou postando essas imagens assim para que vocês tenham uma prévia do que eu irei re-posta com muito mais detalhes.
Dê uma olhada no Deviantart e curta outros desenhos meus, porque eu posto mais lá do que aqui no newgrounds.... :D
So cute :D
Thank you, man with dark tastes in women XD
Age 35, Other
Joined on 3/25/13