Actually a good point, half the ppl that got snapped out were on planes, in cars, in spots that are now occupied by different things. #Thanosstillwonbitches
Actually a good point, half the ppl that got snapped out were on planes, in cars, in spots that are now occupied by different things. #Thanosstillwonbitches
"fffFFUCKING FURRIES!!!" Magnus the Red a.d. 785 M41
I agree it's anticlimactic, but I won't complain about the length, stop motion is one heard method of animation, respect.
I can understand that people think it's too short and it is. It was fun for us to do and we got some longer stuff planned in the future.
I effin knew I was right every time I killed one of those.
If this gets turned into a kickstarter DLC project I'm in.
Yup... Time's have changed.
Like any idea for improvement it's great, but the outcome is never the way you want it to be. In Poland we have 500+ a project to give free money to parents with 2+ children and low income. Country is already in shambles and now we got our taxes raised. Why? Cause that effin money has to come from somewhere, and it ain't coming from EU or magic fairies. WE have to fund this project ourselves, we have to work to get money to pay for us having 500+, so it's basically like us working harder to get that money. Bottom line? You ask 60 billion dollars of a new annual taxation for the whole country.
Nice animation, but it's mocking the old industrial revolution/ communist work system not the modern system. That outdated work oppression was that companies needed hundreds of people doing 1 monotonous thing all the time for next to nothing. Today companies need less people doing everything for barely enough... Or at least in most of the world, China pretty much still looks like that.
Even monsters must adapt to scare in the modern age of technology... I'm looking at you The Ring girl, seriously? VCR? in the age when even DVD's are becoming obsolete XD
I thought it was multiplayer already, only having 35 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 planets makes it kinda hard to find one another. I mean, this game should have learned from both Spore and Eve Online that an online space exploratory game without meeting people, trading, PVP, PVE, Fleet creation, ship size, politics and advanced planetary/colony/space station management has just about 2 hours of gameplay and no replay value.
Nope, the game is single player. The only multiplayer part is that you can name discoveries and other people can see them, that's all.
Age 35, Other
Joined on 3/25/13