That's when a guy shows up with a steak and shows this veggie his place in the food chain >:D Could be a good sequel
Nicely done animation :D
That's when a guy shows up with a steak and shows this veggie his place in the food chain >:D Could be a good sequel
Nicely done animation :D
Modern educational system in a nutshell.
More like StarBurnt
Cheese & Steaks ... not my beloved combination.
Wow you make Sexual-Lobster look like a logical animator.
I guess the point of this video is to show us the viewers as a bunch of childish, perverted tit-hunters THAT WE ALL ARE. I mean why else have you, yes you who reads this, came here to this vid? Well of course for boobs, it's we both expected anything more elaborate and catchy than tits.
I would give this vid 6 stars for its educational value and message, and I can't give it 0 for being asteaming pile of rubbish for perverts that we are.
This is the realist review I have read, I wish I could pin it to the top of the video lol
Thus, Luke landed on Tatooine and the saga began. Next up, Vader throws Emperor into the pit saying "LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!!!"
Pretty much sums up the game. We've gotten so used to the violence, gore, blowing stuff up and killing pedestrians in every possible way that as simple things as sports and a taste of RPG leveling system proves interesting in GTA. Ever since GTA 3 we didn't get any improvement in the general mechanics of gameplay and since GTA 4 graphics can't get any more impressive. It proves the commonly understood (and yet rarely adheared to by game developers) truth: Slightly better graphics DO NOT make a better game.
Oh for Dark Father's sake am I the only vampire around here that actually enjoys being one! o( >,,<)o
Dovahbear, Y U no brave anymore?
Age 35, Other
Joined on 3/25/13